


${widgetBundle[(agpData.totalHits > 1) ? 'jobsDependsOnFilterPlural' : 'jobsDependsOnFilter'] | pht :{ 'jobsCount': agpData.totalHits }}
Suggested Job categories available. Use arrow keys to access the categories. ${suggestedJobResults.length} suggestions available, navigate to the list to select suggestion. No suggestions available Suggested locations available. Move to expanded list to select locations. ${allLocations.length} locations available, move to list to select location. No locations found Text cleared.

10 compelling reasons to join us...

Let's hear from our employees  

"I have received a lot of support from the company, both to perform my tasks and also to reconcile my time with other demands in my personal life. This has been very important to me."
Office worker, Gen Z
Global Forwarding, Brazil
"It sounds cliché but I am proud to work "in and with DHL", it is a company that offers us stability in this chaos and there are opportunities for salary improvements. The environment in which we work and the fact that we trust DHL's commitment to keep us employed generates satisfaction."
Frontline worker, Gen Y
Supply Chain, Brazil
"As a woman in IT and openly out, I experience appreciation, especially from my management. I don't take it for granted, but I know that DHL puts a great deal of importance to the issue of equal opportunities and diversity."
IT Specialist, Gen X
DHL Group, Germnay
"As an enviromentalist working for DHL Group, I have been questioned by my family and friends. When I explain what we are doing in trying to achieve zero emissions, they are impressed. I explain our tree planting project and here in Ireland we have planted 250 trees as part of a Zero waste community garden, which I am immensely proud of. I will never stand in the shade of these trees but a future generation will because of DHL."
Office Worker, Baby Boomer Gen.
Operations, UK