Elevate Internship Program (d/f/m), DHL Consulting Europe
Our Elevate Internship is designed to help students pursue their passion and build relationships with DHL professionals while discovering the possibilities of a career in the world’s most dynamic industry: logistics. During your internship with us, you'll acquire invaluable real-life consulting skills while working closely with a team of consultants, gaining hands-on experience that is essential for a successful career in management consulting.In your team, you will receive comprehensive training, Insights Discovery, regular coaching, and mentoring. You'll also benefit from various networking events to explore further career opportunities.
- Enrollment in a Master’s degree at a university or in a gap year between Bachelor and Master studies
- Outstanding academic and professional records
- Previous internships in strategic or management consultancy areas are an advantage
- First international experience gained through studies or internships abroad
- Excellent analytical, problem-solving, and communication skills
- Fluency in English is essential (no German required)
- Team spirit and an open mind
- Professional Growth
- Learning and development –; Access to premium learning platforms like LinkedIn Learning or Coursera for continuous growth
- Personal journey –; Leverage Insights Discovery's color-coded profiling for enhanced team communication and better understanding of your individual strengths
- Experience –; First-hand management consulting experience on projects across different functional areas (e.g., strategy, finance, HR, IT, operations, etc.)
- Opportunities –; To join us as a consultant after successful graduation
- Exploration –; Discover and determine your affinity with the consulting field
- Support and Feedback
- Feedback –; Regular goal-oriented feedback on the job
- Onboarding –; Fun and informative onboarding for a dynamic start in our team
- Inspiration –; Receive a book on female empowerment to inspire and motivate your journey
- Work Environment
- Flexible and modern working - We are sure you will love our recently renovated office
- Environment –; A dynamic, cooperative, and international environment that encourages new ideas
- Diversity –; An international team of more than 25 different nationalities
- Team –; You will become a fully-fledged project team member from day one
- Networking and Community
- Women Connect –; Enhance your experience with 1-on-1 networking lunches to learn from accomplished female colleagues who began at DHL Consulting and now hold impressive roles within DHL Group.
- Success Stories –; Discover the secrets behind our success with sessions on past projects led by our experienced Project Managers or Associate Partners
- Benefits and Perks
- Salary –; No one needs to work for free. This is a paid internship
- Jobticket –; No matter how you want to commute, we’ll help make it as easy as possible
- Breakfast and drinks –; We offer coffee, tea, hot chocolate, water, muesli bars and fresh fruit
- Activities –; Our well-being initiative offers a variety of weekly team activities like Pilates
- Behind-the-Scenes Tour –; Get an exclusive look at our Innovation Center or the letter center in Troisdorf
- Fun –; It’s not just work, work, work. We make time to get together and have some fun #PunkCulture
Apply now to become an Elevate Intern in 2025!
Contact us if you have any questions. We’d be happy to hear from you at dhlconsulting-careers@dhl.com
Are you curious to learn more about us? Visit our website for our project portfolio, and follow us on Instagramto get to know our team and culture.
Curious About Project Teams at DHLC? | Management Consulting Internship | Meet Monika

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