
CEE Project Delivery Lead

AV-279782 Jažlovice,Středočeský kraj,Czech Republic Práce na plný úvazek Stálý pracovník Supply Chain DHL Solutions k.s. Travel Required Požadavek na cestování nižší než 50 %

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Who drives our World? You Do!

Together we create a chain of professionals - become our link!

About Company:

As DHL, we are a world leader in supply chain management and support our customers in developing their business. DHL employs over 380,000 people. It works in more than 220 countries and regions around the world, connecting people and businesses safely and reliably, enabling a global trade flow. Our employees daily deal with the delivery of the best logistics solutions and service the largest warehouses in Poland and around the world for various industries (including e-commerce, technology, life sciences and healthcare, energy, automotive and retail). 

Your role:

As the CEE Project Delivery Lead, you will be at the forefront of DHL's Project Management function, serving as a critical enabler of business success in a competitive landscape. Your primary responsibility will be to ensure that all projects within the Central and Eastern Europe region are executed effectively, adhering to the established standards and methodologies of DHL, including the O2D, DePICT, and Planview/ProjectPlace processes.

In this role, you will lead a team dedicated to delivering projects that meet agreed-upon objectives in terms of scope, schedule, and budget. You will oversee project performance by regularly monitoring key performance indicators (KPIs), managing risks, and implementing strategies to address any challenges that arise. Your leadership will be instrumental in fostering a high-performance culture, ensuring that team members are equipped with the necessary skills and resources to succeed.

Join us in this dynamic role where you will have the opportunity to make a significant impact on DHL's project delivery capabilities across the Central and Eastern Europe region. Your leadership will not only contribute to the success of individual projects but also enhance the overall effectiveness of our project management function

What will  we do together?

  • Project Oversight: Ensure adherence to project management standards across all CEE projects, driving successful delivery.
  • Risk Management: Identify and manage risks, implementing strategies to maintain project integrity.
  • Budget Management: Monitor project budgets to ensure alignment with approvals and control overspending.
  • Stakeholder Communication: Provide clear updates on project status and progress to stakeholders.
  • Team Development: Lead and mentor teams to enhance skills and foster collaboration.
  • Performance Reporting: Provide regular reports on project status to senior management for informed decision-making.

Who are we looking for?
  • Advanced Business English proficiency
  • Strong leadership and team management skills
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal abilities
  • Proficient in managing project budgets and resources
  • Skilled in managing project performance, issues, and risks
  • Experienced in performance reviews and audits
  • Ability to inspire purpose and direction within teams
  • University degree (desirable)
  • Professional Project Management certification (e.g., IPMA, PMI, Prince 2) (essential)
  • Experience with PMI/Prince 2 (or similar) methodologies (essential)
  • Strong understanding of Supply Chain and Project Management practices
  • Knowledge of sales and business case assessment (essential)
  • Experience with stakeholders in Central and Eastern Europe (preferred)

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