If you're physically fit and have a current, valid driver's license, you could join one of our dedicated teams of local delivery drivers. And in return for getting each parcel safely to the customer's door, you can expect:
If you have a Driver Certificate of Professional Competence (CPC) or a Large Goods Vehicle (LGV)/Heavy Goods Vehicle (HGV) licence, you might prefer the bigger trucks in our freight transportation division. Alongside the usual benefits that come with any professional driving job, here you'll enjoy:
If you're physically fit and enjoy being outdoors, you could join our dedicated team of postal workers. Whether you'd rather deliver letters or parcels, we'll have the job that's right for you. And whatever you choose, we'll give you:
If you like being at the heart of the action, a role with one of our warehouse teams could be the perfect choice. If you're ready to roll up your sleeves and get involved, we'll make sure your efforts are well rewarded with:
If you're technically-minded and physically adept, you could be part of the team that takes care of the various conveyor systems in our warehouses and distribution centres. Join us here and you can expect: