usa job veteran

DHL USA Jobs for Military Veterans

Welcome to our DHL Global Forwarding
Military and Veterans Careers Page!

Welcome to USA Jobs for military veterans at DHL Global Forwarding

At DHL Global Forwarding USA, we deeply value the skills, dedication, and experience that military veterans bring to our organization. We understand that transitioning from military service to civilian life can be a significant step, and we are committed to making that transition as seamless as possible.

Our Commitment to Veterans 

At DHL Global Forwarding USA, we recognize the exceptional qualities that veterans possess—leadership, teamwork, discipline, and a strong work ethic. We are proud to provide opportunities for veterans to continue their careers with us and apply their unique skills to the dynamic world of logistics and global trade.


  1. It means that when you partner with DHL Global Forwarding you're working with an ethical and socially responsible company.
  2. We believe that when people love to come to work, they give more, try harder for their Customers, and are proud of the service they give.
  3. And that's why external organizations have granted us different accolades for our people practices.

Testimonials from our military veterans

Current Military Veterans employed by DHL Global Forwarding
john collin


Manager Strategic Customers
Detroit, MI

Hello, my name is John Collins. My journey in the military began as an Army brat, constantly moving from base to base with my family. These frequent changes and exposure to different cultures at a young age (7 states, 8 schools, 16 years) laid the foundation for my ability to get along with different personalities
james harbi


Key Accout Manager Oil & Energy
Houston, TX

Hello, my name is James Harbi. Serving in the military has added great value to my knowledge and career skills. After finishing my military service, I found myself lost in search of a new career in the civilian sector that would match the military work environment. The transition from military to civilian lifestyle was the most challenging period of my life.


Australian Government Cargo Office Manager

San Francisco, CA

My name is Jake Imbleau, and I am the Australian Government Cargo Office Manager for DHL Global Forwarding's San Francisco Station. I thoroughly enjoy working for DHL, and my role has provided me with unique experiences. Every story has a beginning, and this is mine.


Air Freight Import Manager
Los Angeles, CA

Hello, my name is Jimmy Morales, and I would like to share my journey through the military and how it has transformed me into a skilled and adept manager in logistics. The rigorous training, unwavering discipline, and immersive experiences I gained during my service have seamlessly transitioned into the realm of civilian logistics management.


Sr Human Resource Business Partner
Newark, NJ

Hello, my name is Rodrigo Monteiro, and I would like to share a bit about my military journey with you, as it has profoundly shaped who I am both professionally and personally. Get ready for a quick tour of my experiences!


Dispatcher DELL
Chicago, IL

Hello, my name is Carlos Torres Jr, and I joined the U.S. Army for 3 years in 1983. My basic training started at Ft Leonard Wood, MO. Right from the beginning, basic training was a game changer.  Fortunately, I was 19 when I started basic training.


Manager Strategic Customers
Detroit, MI

This challenging lifestyle made me more resilient to new experiences, including making new friends every couple of years, knowing that these friendships were often short-term as it was before the days of Facebook. Each move presented its own difficulties, but it also allowed me to grow emotionally and provided me with a lifetime of experiences for which I am forever grateful.

The military taught me not to be afraid of making decisions. Not every decision would be the right one, but the important lesson was learning from those situations and finding ways to improve. DHL Global Forwarding follows a similar process. In the world of international freight forwarding, assumptions cannot be made, and decisions must be based on facts. There were often situations where nobody had the answers, but by seeking feedback and actively listening, positive results were achieved. This same approach was applied during my two tours in Iraq, once as a Platoon Leader and once as a Company Commander, and throughout my 27 years in the military, retiring as a Lieutenant Colonel.

As a Michigan National Guard Soldier, transitioning from military to civilian life after drill weekends sometimes posed challenges. It required a conscious effort to switch from my Army role to my civilian role. There were significant differences between DHL and the Army, I won't deny that. However, the military taught me how to effectively communicate with different people and how to convey my message. A key leadership skill learned in the military and applied here at DHL is understanding the difference between ordering someone to do something and empowering them to want to do it because they understand the mission and their role.

I have been fortunate to be surrounded by good people, and my network of family, military colleagues, and DHL has provided me with strong support. Drawing inspiration from this network has been invaluable and has helped me along my journey.


Key Accout Manager Oil & Energy
Houston, TX

Seeking new job opportunities wasn't an easy task. My first resume consisted of only two paragraphs: the mention of my school graduation and my military service during OIF 1 and OIF 2. After multiple interviews, I finally received a job offer in the logistics field. This is where I discovered the similarities between the logistics industry and military tasks, including:

  • Chain of command
  • Commitment and promises
  • Dedication and determination
  • Integrity and dignity
  • Dealing with stress to accomplish tasks
  • Teamwork spirit

My career in logistics with DHL Global Forwarding has been a tremendously successful journey. We all share a common goal of "Improving lives" by delivering excellent results to others. DHL prioritizes HSSE (Health, Safety, Security, Environment) for our teams and all those involved in our business. I have been able to utilize all my military experience and knowledge to deliver the best results in the logistics field.


Australian Government Cargo Office Manager
San Francisco, CA

Prior to working at DGF, I served over 15 years in the U.S. Air Force as a Traffic Manager. Traffic Managers play a crucial role in the movement of military assets, personnel, and members' household goods through the Defense Transportation System. During my service, I had the opportunity to refine my skills as I was responsible for sustaining active military operations on a daily basis. This experience challenged me both mentally and physically. As Gen. John Pershing famously said, "Infantry wins battles, logistics wins wars." Every decision and action has the potential to tip the scales in either direction, even the smallest and seemingly insignificant details. These were the lessons I learned every day while wearing the uniform, and the lessons I imparted to the airmen under my charge. All of this has more than prepared me for my role with DHL.

Working in freight forwarding requires the same level of out-of-the-box thinking and challenges that I faced during my military service. DHL has embraced and encouraged me to bring in my military experience and apply it to my daily work and team-building efforts. I feel the same sense of pride in the work I do at DHL as I did while serving, and I am honored to be a proud member of the DHL family.


Air Freight Import Manager
Los Angeles, CA

The military's emphasis on precision and attention to detail has been instrumental in honing my logistical capabilities. The meticulous planning and execution required in military operations have become second nature to me, effortlessly translating into the strategic coordination necessary for managing complex logistical operations. As a United States ARMY Combat Medic, I learned the significance of efficient resource allocation, which proves invaluable in optimizing supply chains and ensuring seamless operations in high-stakes environments.

One of the most invaluable lessons the military has taught me is the art of remaining composed under pressure. The situations I encountered during my service demanded split-second decision-making and adaptability in the face of adversity. These experiences have instilled in me an unwavering sense of composure when confronting challenges in the logistics field. Tight deadlines, unforeseen disruptions, and demanding clients are now opportunities for me to exhibit the same resilience and determination I cultivated during my military tenure.

The military's immersive environment also familiarized me with daily stressors of unparalleled intensity. Learning to effectively manage my time, prioritize tasks, and maintain clear communication in high-pressure situations has seamlessly translated into my role as a logistics manager. Deadlines and unexpected setbacks are navigated with finesse as I draw upon the mental fortitude developed during my military service.

In essence, my journey in the military has indelibly shaped me into a steadfast and proficient logistics manager. The core values of discipline, adaptability, and composure that I imbibed during my service have seamlessly integrated into my managerial approach. Whether orchestrating intricate supply chains or calmly mitigating unforeseen challenges, the military's influence remains evident in my ability to excel in logistics management while thriving under pressure.


Sr Human Resource Business Partner
Newark, NJ

magine this: I spent 7 years in the US Army, where I had the privilege of being part of an incredible team that thrived on values like discipline, adaptability, and unity. It was like being part of a well-choreographed dance, where every move mattered.

During my time in the military, I became a master at multitasking. Whether it was paying meticulous attention to details or making decisions under pressure, I honed these skills to perfection. Additionally, I developed exceptional people skills while working with a diverse group of individuals from all walks of life. This experience was like a masterclass in communication and teamwork.

But here's what really stuck with me: the constant pursuit of growth and embracing constructive criticism. I was like a sponge, eagerly soaking up every opportunity for learning and self-improvement. Understanding constructive criticism as an essential tool for personal and professional growth became a cornerstone for me. It provides valuable insights, highlights areas for improvement, and empowers us to evolve and excel. I carried this mindset into my civilian life, and it continues to fuel my excitement for evolving in my career.

I wholeheartedly believe that my time in the military has prepared me for success in any fast-paced and dynamic environment. I am dedicated to bringing my A-game, lending a helping hand when needed, and fostering a positive and productive work environment.

Transitioning into Human Resources, I carry forward the same principles that guided me through my military service. I believe in cultivating an environment where each team member's unique strengths are celebrated and leveraged for collective success. My background equips me to approach HR challenges with a creative and solution-oriented mindset, seeking innovative ways to address personnel matters and promote a positive workplace culture.

One of the most significant lessons I learned in the Army is the importance of adaptability. This skill, honed through navigating dynamic and high-pressure situations, allows me to excel in HR, where change is constant and the ability to pivot is paramount. My ability to remain composed under stress, coupled with my dedication to continuous learning, enables me to effectively manage and support teams during times of transition.

I am thrilled about the opportunity to contribute to the HR team at DHL Global Forwarding, leveraging my unique background to bring fresh perspectives and creative problem-solving approaches.


Dispatcher DELL
Chicago, IL

After basic training, I went to Ft Gordon, GA for AIT – 36K Specialist. Some of the skills we acquired were the following:

  •  Installing temporary telephone communication systems as a member of a team.
  •  Installing field telephones at designated locations.

Once I "graduated" from AIT, I was assigned to Ft. Ord, California, A Co/29th Infantry (Manchu). While at Ft Ord, I became obsessed with becoming an 11 Bravo - Infantryman. I learned that as an Infantry soldier, I would serve in the field, working to defend our country against any ground threats. When I was finally assigned after basic training and AIT, the station was Ft Ord, CA, so ORD (Chicago) became a part of my life. As a result of several Carlos Torres in the DHL world, I was assigned my DHL email address: Carlos.TorresORD@Dhl.Com.

So, for me, it has been a blessing to work at DHL for 23 years, especially at ORD (Chicago). Over the years, I have worked in Domestic, Brokerage, Export, and Import at DHL. Currently, I am in ORD Dispatch, so working in Dispatch is like having a military mentality... the tip of the spear. Every day in dispatch, we deal with different drivers, carriers, drop-offs, and pickups. Since we are a government facility, I apply my Army training while working at the Dispatch window. For me, the U.S. Army and DHL will always be a blessing. Thank you for the opportunity to share my experience.