
Welcome to your new landing page

Widget types

For ease of use on desktop, the links below will open in a new tab. However, as most of our users are visiting from mobile, we will not do this on the career site unless requested.
​​​​​Also known as accordion widgets, these are perfect for FAQs or presenting different categories in a space-efficient way.
Location & Map
These widgets are perfect to use if, for example, you want to show which countries a specific Graduate Program is available in.
The testimonial widgets have multiple layouts to choose from. Please remember to keep the text short an to the point.
Content Cards
The name says it all: these widgets are perfect for adding your text (with or without pictures).

Key benefits
This widget lets you show a few key benefits side by side including icons.


Sliders These  are perfect widgets to use when there is a lot of content that can be split in categories. They don't occupy lots of space vertically (so not a lot of scrolling) and, when the candidate wants to learn the information, they can just swipe left/right from their mobile device.
Gallery widgets are like collages: you can select multiple photos which will be put together. As the content needs to be made available in different languages, the recommendation would be not to use text in the pictures used.

The video widgets should be used with caution.
Here are some guidelines:
  • If the content is relevant for multiple regions, it is important to provide the video with an English language transcript which we can use to translate for subtitles.
  • Videos should be kept short. As most site visits are from mobile, long videos will consume a large amount of data if the candidate does not have access to wifi.
Here is a Map & Location widget example.
Click here to back to the top.
Here are some Testimonial widget examples.
Click here to back to the top.

Hör från våra medarbetare

Svartvit porträttbild av Kate Millican
”Vi som industri står på gränsen till en seismisk förändring inom många områden, från tekniken vi använder till hur våra teams ser ut och hu vi interagerar med varandra. Regelboken rivs upp så att vi kan möta de förändringar och utmaningar som kommer vår väg, och jag är exalterad över att få vara i en position att leda den förändringen.”
Kate Millican Alumni 
Senior Planning Manager
Svartvit porträttbild av Martin Evoeme
"At DHL Supply Chain I was lucky enough to study for my CIPD qualification which enables me to become an associate CIPD member. Moreover, the HR Graduate Scheme has provided me with the opportunity to work across numerous functions within HR such as; Compensation and Benefits and the Talent Centre of Excellence. This helped to pinpoint the areas of HR which I enjoyed the most and overall, the experience highlighted how the HR function adds value to the organization."
Martin Evoeme HR Graduate
Svartvit porträttbild av Anna Harris
”DHL:s engagemang för hållbarhet kan ses genom initiativ för att förbättra sina anläggningar genom att inkludera mer hållbara alternativ som solpaneler, vindkraftverk, bättre värmelösningar, etc. Detta förbättrar minskningen av våra utsläpp på platsnivå, och vi utforskar liknande möjligheter för vårt transportavtryck genom ny teknik som elfordon, CNG-gaslastbilar och biometanlastbilar."
Anna Harris Alumni 
Sustainability Manager Ireland and Northern Ireland
Svartvit porträttbild av Krystian Stelmach med ansiktsskydd
”Läroplanen för framtida ledare är strukturerad på sådant sätt att man får bära stora ansvar. Det gjorde det möjligt för mig att knuffas ut ur min komfortzon, vilket har hjälpt mig att fortsätta växa till att bli den ledare jag strävar efter att vara. De möjligheter som ges gör att jag kan avancera genom olika nivåer av ledning och ansvar.”
Krystian Stelmach Future Leaders Graduate
Svartvit porträttbild av Joe Maher
”Under min tid hos DHL har jag lärt mig hur viktigt det är att kunna inspirera andra till att ge allt. Under utmanande tider är det viktigt att ha sociala kompetensen till att kunna motivera och påverka andra, särskilt när man arbetar på en stor plats med kollegor som kanske inte alltid inser hur mycket deras individuella roll bidrar till verksamhetens övergripande framgång. I svåra tider ser många människor till dig för ledarskap, så det är avgörande att veta hur man motiverar, lugnar eller stöttar andra vid rätt tidpunkt och på rätt sätt.
Joe Maher Alumni
​​​​​​​General Manager



Data Scientist – Operations Research
PhD Mathematical Optimization

"We are confronted with a variety of difficult problems for which no standard solution exists. To effectively tackle these problems we have to combine different methods, which we may already be familiar with – or that we have to learn by doing research. I really enjoy this challenging work, which requires a lot of creativity."


Data Scientist – Operations Research
PhD Computer Science

"Working at DHL Group allows me to solve real problems and to immediately observe the effect of my solutions. I learn something new every day and, what I find especially cool, is the combination of data science and optimization."
Here are some Video widget examples.
Click here to back to the top.

Join our dream team

Surround yourself with people who will push your journey forward.
Here is a Gallery widget example.
Click here to back to the top.
Here is a Key Benefits widget example.
Click here to back to the top.

Vous souhaitez nous rejoindre?

DHL Express France, c’est 10 ans d’ancienneté en moyenne avec plus de 3400 collaborateurs en France.
DHL Express  1er au classement Great Place to Work au monde en 2021.
Le programme de formation interne C.I.S (Certified International Specialist), fondement de la culture d’entreprise de DHL Express, et du même standard partout dans le monde : des valeurs, des formations métiers, parcours managériaux, etc.
Politique Qualité et RSE : acteur majeur du transport engagé dans des démarches de certifications ISO : 9001, 14001, et 50001. Maitrise de nos enjeux énergétiques et environnementaux, afin de mieux satisfaire les exigences de nos clients, et les attentes de nos collaborateurs.
Here are some Content Card widget examples.
Click here to back to the top.
Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.
Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.
Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.
Lorem Ipsum
Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.
Here is an FAQ widget example.
Click here to back to the top.

FAQ widget

​​​​​(this is what we call an accordion widget, perfect for FAQs or presenting different categories in a space-efficient way)
Here are some Slider widget examples.
Click here to back to the top.

Take your job search to the next level

You'll be the first to know about new job openings
You'll build your professional network.
You'll stand out from other applicants
You'll be the first to know about new job openings
You'll stand out from other applicants

Our Hiring Process

01 Search for jobs Phenom has a wealth of opportunities, ignite the spark into your job search and explore our personalised career site, discover your purpose and get to know our Brands!
02 Submit your application Found your dream role? Great! apply today or if you haven't sign up to our talent network and tell us what you're looking for, receive personalised updates and lot of fresh new jobs.
03 Wait for your interview call Once you're matched, the recruiting process begins. Our virtual assistant will be in touch to help answer all your questions and schedule interviews when it is a convenient time for you.
04 Search for jobs Phenom has a wealth of opportunities, ignite the spark into your job search and explore our personalised career site, discover your purpose and get to know our Brands!

Perks and benefits

Pick your gear We strive to be an employer of choice that attracts, retains and motivates talented and performance-driven people in our affiliates around the world.
Pick your gear We strive to be an employer of choice that attracts, retains and motivates talented and performance-driven people in our affiliates around the world.
Pick your gear We strive to be an employer of choice that attracts, retains and motivates talented and performance-driven people in our affiliates around the world.
Pick your gear We strive to be an employer of choice that attracts, retains and motivates talented and performance-driven people in our affiliates around the world.
Pick your gear We strive to be an employer of choice that attracts, retains and motivates talented and performance-driven people in our affiliates around the world.
Pick your gear We strive to be an employer of choice that attracts, retains and motivates talented and performance-driven people in our affiliates around the world.
Lorem Ipsum
Lorem Ipsum
Lorem Ipsum

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum
Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum
Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum
Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum