
GROW offers outstanding graduates and young professionals an exceptional start to a career as a specialist. In 18 months, you will get to know the world of logistics as a trainee and be prepared for a later target position with responsible tasks in our Group. The international program includes an assignment abroad!

Start of program in April: applications from the end of September until the end of November of the previous year
Start of program in October: applications from mid-February to mid-April each year
برنامج الخريجين Fair Graduate لعام 2022 (trendence)

Our GROW program is designed to help high-flying graduates and young professionals launch an exciting and rewarding career in the world of logistics. As one of the next generation of GROW trainees, you'll have the chance to develop your skills and experience, explore the wide range of opportunities open to you, build your professional network and lay the foundations for a brilliant future ahead.
Stay in Germany or spend time abroad?
The choice is yours. When you apply, you can opt for the regular program, and spend all 18 months based here in Germany, or the international program, in which case you'll spend three months working on an assignment at one of our locations overseas.
Nine specialist areas to choose from
At the application stage, you can also decide the development path you'd like to take and the kind of role you want to work towards. There are nine specialist areas to choose from and it's simply a case of picking the one that best matches your own talents, interests and ambitions:  Whether Business Development & Strategy, Corporate Functions, Finance, Human Resources, Innovation, IT, Sales, Marketing or Operations - you will find the right area for you.


​​​​As a GROW trainee, you'll enjoy outstanding training and development across the board, plus regular feedback and even the chance of individual career coaching. At the start, you'll also be assigned your buddy – a GROW trainee from a previous year, to support and advise you at every stage.

​​​​​​​Whichever path you choose, the program begins with an introduction at our headquarters in Bonn, where you'll meet your fellow trainees and learn about the business as a whole. Next up is a slightly longer, local induction, where you'll gain a deeper insight into your specialist area, and meet the people you'll be working with day-to-day.

From there, the program consists of three key phases:
Phase 1 (6 months) ​​​​​​​ تبدؤون العمل على مشروع في تخصصكم، بدعم وتوجيه من مدير مشاريع متمرس. وأثناء تلك المدة، تستكملون أيضًا الوحدة الأولى من وحدات تدريبكم: مهارات التشاور الأساسية.
Phase 2 (3 - 6 months)
في هذه المرحلة، تكتشفون أقسامًا مختلفة من الشركة وتكتسبون نوعًا من الرؤى حول المجموعة بأكملها (بما في ذلك فترة انتداب لمدة 3 أشهر في حال التحاقكم بالبرنامج الدولي)، كما تستكملون وحدتكم التدريبية الثانية: تطوير العمليات وتحسينها.
Phase 3 (6 months)
In the final phase, you'll start preparing for the role you want at the end of the program, whether that involves developing your technical knowledge, your project management capabilities, or softer skills like leadership and communication.


  • A bachelor's degree
  • Strong language skills in German and English
  • A talent for communication
  • Excellent team-working skills
  • An eagerness to take on new challenges
  • The ability to think analytically and conceptually


Our GROW trainee program starts twice a year - on April 1st and October 1st.
We select our trainees (m/f/d) in a multi-stage process. We give you the greatest possible transparency so that you are always aware of where you stand in the process.

The first step to apply successfully is to select an advertisement and click on Apply. Please fill in the application form and upload cover letter, CV, Highschool degree, certificate of studies and, if applicable, internship and work references. We recommend pdf as the preferred file format. As soon as we receive your application, it will automatically be added to our applicant database. You will receive a confirmation of receipt by e-mail.
Once you have cleared the first hurdle with your application, we will usually invite you to an online assessment. We will send you an e-mail with a code that identifies you and allows us to evaluate you personally. You should schedule 90 minutes for this test.
Start April 1st: mid-October to the end of December of the previous year
Start October 1st: beginning of March to end of April of a year

Based on the data from the online application and, if applicable, the online assessment, a further selection takes place. Successful applicants are invited to a telephone interview, which lasts about 60 minutes.
Start April 1st: In January and February of the same year
Start October 1st: In May and June of the same year

For all trainee positions, an assessment center takes place in Bonn after a successful telephone interview. Here, we analyze your strengths and areas for development in order to correctly assess your qualifications for the trainee program. Your travel expenses will of course be covered by us.
عقب انتهاء مركز التقييم، سنخبركم بقرارنا. ويتلقى مقدمو الطلبات الذين استكملوا كل خطوات الاختيار بنجاح عرض توظيفٍ من الشركة.
عقب توقيع عقد التوظيف، نُرحِّب بكم كمتدربين في برنامج GROW.

شهادات التزكية

Sarah، مُصممة حلول مبتدئة
"لقد منحني برنامج GROW فهمًا لمختلف وحدات الأعمال وسمح لي بقضاء بعض الوقت في كوستاريكا، حيث استطعت صقل مهاراتي في اللغة الإسبانية."
Annemarie، مديرة مبيعات
"طوال 18 شهرًا، واجهت تحديات في نواحٍ عديدة، لكني تلقيت الدعم أيضًا حتى أتمكن من تطوير وتوسعة نطاق اهتماماتي ومواطن قوتي."

Since 2006, more than 450 talented individuals have joined us through our GROW development program. Perhaps more impressively, now experts in their chosen fields, some 90% of them are still with us today.Wherever your talents and interests lie, you could soon be following in their footsteps. If you would like to learn more, please contact our recruiting team at GROW@dpdhl.com